Dear , What a disappointment. Last night, Governor Baker showed his true colors: he vetoed the climate bill, S. 2995. Here's what my colleague Sofia Owen, ACE's staff attorney, said: "We are deeply disappointed that the Governor did not sign the Roadmap Bill. The environmental justice provisions would provide Black, Brown, Indigenous, Immigrant, and low-income communities in Massachusetts with baseline protections that are long overdue. Our communities are the most polluted in the state, and by not signing this bill, Governor Baker is failing to protect the health of the communities who need it most – even in the midst of a global pandemic. This is unacceptable. Today’s veto ensures that environmental racism will continue to thrive in policymaking in Massachusetts.” I'm deeply frustrated with Governor Baker. I wish I could say I'm shocked, but this is just more proof that we've got more work to do.
I want to give big thanks to Environmental Justice Table, the coalition of groups we fought alongside to get this bill as far as it did -- especially GreenRoots and Neighbor to Neighbor MA. We also wouldn't be here without Reps. DuBois, Madaro, Miranda and Senators Eldridge and DiDomenico, who fought hard for this. I'm also grateful thatHouse Speaker Mariano and Senate President Spilka have agreed to refile the bill as is, in the next session. And I'm thankful for the more than 200 ACE supporters who sent letters and called Governor Baker. We'll need to keep standing together for the next fights to come. |